Dolk - Zooicide og Shrink

Selger mine Dolk trykk - Zooicide og Shrink ettersom jeg trenger å rydde litt plass på veggene mine.

Zooicide 18000,- Shrink 20000,-.

Ta gjerne kontakt hvis det er noe du lurer på.

Mvh Nicolai Thue


To klassiske av Dolk det der, nå skraper han på ting han prøver å selge til rikinger.

Lykke til med salget.


Kan noen forklare hvorfor Dolk benytter en banan som person hos psykologen?

Ta dette som en gratis bump. :wink:

Hard på utsiden og mjuk inni.

Lykke til med salget – Zooicide er en favoritt blant Dolk motivene :ok_hand:

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Sist jeg sjekket så var bananen ganske så myk på utsiden også :slight_smile:

Kanskje du er for sterk eller overmoden, banan? :face_with_monocle: Alt er relativt fru blom!

På tide å komme ut av skallet? :banana: :roll_eyes:


Hmm… Hvor dypt skal man analysere?

One of the banana’s most famous meanings- or infamous depending on your point of view- is as a symbol of the male genitalia . In modern times , such meanings are primarily associated with psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud , who put forward the notion that anything resembling the human sexual organs- male or female- could have underlying psychological significance in that capacity. Even before Freud, however, similar notions of sexual symbolism had been applied to the banana. The Book of Genesis contains perhaps the most iconic image in the Bible: Adam and Eve tasting the forbidden fruit and covering their newfound shame with leaves . Although the actual type of fruit from this tree is never mentioned in any canonical scripture, that hasn’t kept a wealth of scholars and commentators from speculation. In Christianity, the “culprit” is usually portrayed as an apple, but Islam offers an interesting alternative, that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually a banana tree. While there is no definitive evidence on either count, such an association clearly demonstrates that the banana has long been seen as a foodstuff with sexual connotations. - Google.


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